About the Bayou Pigeon
Heritage Association
The Diocese of Baton Rouge announced, Oct. 1, 2017 that St. Joan
of Arc Parish (and its mission church St. Catherine Laboure) at
Bayou Pigeon and Bayou Sorrell would cease functioning as a parish
in the diocese as of November 24, 2017.
The decision was made with much consternation after several months
of intense study, deliberation, and consultation with the then St.
Joan of Arc's administrator, parish and finance councils, and its
On May 3, 2018, “The Bayou Pigeon, Spirit of the Atchafalaya”
media web page was contacted through that site by a representative
of A. Wilbert's LLC, the Landowner (lessee) holding the Lease
agreement on the property and the structures
This contact was a final effort to determine if there was anyone
from the Bayou Pigeon community interested in working to save this
complex from demolition. Such that, A. Wilbert’s, LLC, did not
have a use for or an interest in owning these buildings. The Lease
agreement called for the property to be returned to original
condition no longer than two years after the Church Parish was
closed regardless of reasons.
It was beginning to look like entire complex would be have brought
back to green fields by the Catholic Diocese of Baton Rouge.
The Pigeon Face Book page has hundreds of followers who have a
recognizable connection to the Bayou Pigeon Community. There are
land owners, engineers, doctors, attorneys, dentists, bankers,
I.T. Specialists, teachers, business leaders, pharmacists,
purchasing agents, real estate brokers, construction
superintendents, carpenters, machinists, electricians, pipe
fitters, millwrights, process operators, professional secretaries,
musicians and last but not least professional fishermen. Many
great people!
A series of open meetings was held seeking input and a path
forward by the Web Page owner. A first group of founders stepped
forward. This group was able to create a Corporation, the Bayou
Pigeon Heritage Association.
community of Bayou Pigeon finds itself in an age of the Great
Erosion where we are losing our community cohesiveness. Things
that kept our close-knit Cajun community together. The closing of
the St. Joan of Arc Parish church and complex would not only a
have significant economic affect on the future of this
unincorporated community but could be the death knell on the Cajun
Culture and folklife of the community.
Thus, the founders group came together, held a series of
organizational meetings and elected officers and a board of
directors. Determined our mission and filed for 501c3 nonprofit
organizational status.
organization reached official nonprofit status, Nov. 9, 2018.
The Bayou Pigeon Heritage Association group has annual dues,
we solicit funds from other interested like-minded groups and
individuals, hold fund raisers and host events that generate funds
that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3) of
the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any
future federal tax code.
Monies from the membership are used for
General Liability Insurance and Property insurance required per our lease agreement.
The Bayou Pigeon Heritage Association naintains a religious
/ Chapel / prayer room inside the church open to the public from
outside, separate from the rest of the interior of the hall.
All future phases of development will made with our mission as our
guiding star and always with full membership community input and proper governmental approval if required.
Final word - Heritage preservation is an investment in our
community that rewards us today and leaves an invaluable resource
for future generations. Heritage preservation can be a draw to
tourism and helps businesses attract customers. Our cultural
heritage deserves the best care we can provide.
Heritage associations play a vital role in protecting and
preserving the story of our lives, history, and society.
Please join and become a friend of the Bayou Pigeon Heritage Association. Use the web site to keep up with the latest news and contact us anytime about any question.
- Chris Daigle / Cliff LeGrange
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